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Meet the team...introducing: Graham and Kim

This time in our 'meet the team' series we introduce two of our most recent recruits to the FDPC cause - Graham and Kim Spencer.

Kim tells us: "We joined the FDPC having been persuaded by our new neighbour, Clare, to go along to the AGM! Both retired, and with experience in project management in the public and private sector, we have jointly offered to use our skills and experience to help keep the Dell project on track."

Graham adds: "We have four granddaughters who, in more normal times, visit Chepstow regularly and have often commented on how the Dell play area could do with modernising. We are delighted to be involved in such an exciting project."

Reflecting on childhood and memories of parks, Graham reminisces: "Being so old, memories of play areas are limited to spaces, not equipment. In my youger days I lived near some scrubland and Kim near some woods, so most of our play was created around those environments. Another abiding 'park' memory is of our first, two year old granddaughter Emily, getting stuck at the top of the slide in Lydney and having to be rescued by granny!"

Take a look at the 'Our Team' page to find out about other members of the FDPC team.

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